Careers Information for Employers
Many of our learners, particularly those on our Pathway to Employment and Supported Internship courses, aspire to achieve paid (or voluntary) employment when they leave college. Some are also interested in gaining (inclusive) Apprentices.
Horizons College welcomes partnerships with local employers for career and work-related learning opportunities including work experience, workplace visits, mentoring, Careers Fairs and Careers Week presentations/activities etc.
Obtaining professional work experience in an area of their interest is of vital importance to our young people, in terms of skills development, future employment prospects, community involvement and personal wellbeing. There are also considerable opportunities and benefits for the employer, their staff and organisation. Many of our learners, particularly those on our Pathway to Employment and Supported Internship courses, aspire to achieve paid (or voluntary) employment when they leave college.
Employers Guide to Work Experience
Please follow the link to view the Employers Guide to Work Experience
If you feel you might be able to support or provide any of these careers related activities, including work experience, please contact our Careers Leader, Laura James Tel. 01793 481493, Email:
Useful Links
- Ambition about Autism: Toolkit for employers -
- Gov.UK: Employer guides to work experience:
- The Careers & Enterprise Company - Supporting Employers: Working with Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND):
- NDTi - An Employers Guide to Supported Employment: