Careers Information for Parents and Carers
Parent/carer involvement and support is essential for successful careers education, positive outcomes and transitions. Parent/carers are therefore kept informed about careers events and activities through direct communication with tutors or the Careers & Work Experience Department, letters (e.g. regarding work experience placements, Career 1:1 interviews etc.), the Careers Bulletin (newsletter), information evenings and the annual review (EHCP) process.
We also encourage feedback from parents and carers regarding our Careers & Work Experience Programme and would encourage you to complete the feedback form (available here) at any time. You may also request an additional Careers 1:1 interview for your young person, with our qualified Careers Adviser, at any point during the academic year by completing the form available here
Useful Information and Links:
- National Careers Service (NCS) - provides a wealth of information on careers choices, different industry sectors, course choices, skills assessments, CVs and interviews etc. This can be accessed by following the link hereNCS also offer Independent Advice and Guidance via web chat or over the phone that can be accessed here or by calling 0800 100 900.
- Preparation for Adulthood - “Giving Everyone Equal Life chances as they move into Adulthood”, more information is available by following this link:
- Careerpilot Parent Zone - provides profiles for a wide variety of different jobs and careers. Visitors to the site can search for information based on job sectors, academic subjects and individual values. There are also helpful quizzes, Labour Market Information to show what jobs are in demand in your area, CV builder tools etc. Take a look at their Parent Zone:
- Youth Employment UK - have a lot of useful advice and information for parents/carers helping to support their young person with their future career choices:
- Talking Futures – A parents’ toolkit for careers conversations:
- Start Profile: Student career choices - a starting point for parents:
- Swindon local offer
Discover what support is available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Swindon:
- Wiltshire local offer
Discover what support is available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Wiltshire:
- Oxfordshire local offer
Discover what support is available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Oxfordshire:
- Gloucestershire local offer
Discover what support is available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Gloucestershire: