Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information (LMI) is collected and collated by the government and organisations such as the Office of National Statistics (ONS) or National Careers Service (NCS). The purpose of LMI is to use data and statistics to describe the current industry position in a given region as well as the past and future trends. This allows employers, schools, colleges and individuals to make predictions about the areas in which there will be the greatest number of job opportunities available. This helps greatly with careers planning and maximising the potential for gaining paid and sustained employment; for example, learners can tailor their CVs and job searches to match what employers are currently looking for.
Horizons College uses the latest LMI for the Swindon and Wiltshire area to help inform our decisions such as which vocational options to offer, which employers to invite to our Careers Week and where to focus our Work Experience Programme etc.
LMI includes details relating to:
- Industry sectors experiencing growth and decline
- Career pathways, entry requirements and progression routes
- Skills employers are looking for (in demand, industry specific or transferable skills)
- The number of vacancies in a given area (by employer or industry sector)
- Salary expectations
- Average working hours
- Daily tasks for a given career
- Skills and knowledge requirements for various careers and job roles
- Apprenticeship vacancies by sector
For more information and examples of Labour Market Information, please look at:
- Careerpilot
- Your Futures:
LMI for people in SEND Group 1 - for All ( - Swindon & Wiltshire Careers Hub (
- icould – how to use LMI to help make career decisions (
- Work Wiltshire (
- The National Career Service (
- Careers Sense Booklet