Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy (OT) is a healthcare profession that works to enable and promote participation and completion of daily living skills within both the educational and the community setting. Occupational Therapists take a “whole-person approach” to both mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Occupational Therapists assess and support individual well-being, function, physical, cognitive, sensory and communication needs. They use a holistic approach to provide strategies, techniques, and interventions that develop and enhance daily living skills and purposeful activities.
The OT works across the whole college curriculum. Learners at Horizons College have individual and varying needs and abilities. Occupational therapy aims to provide a bespoke service through a variety of methods in order to promote learners’ optimal well-being and potential.
Occupational Therapy (ID 1242)
Paula Baxter-JonesOccupational Therapist
Paula Baxter-Jones
Stephany Chandler-JohnsonOccupational Therapist
Stephany Chandler-Johnson