
Horizons College is  Good with Outstanding Features

Following an inspection in March 2024, the College has received a final report, which lists the College as Good for the Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Leadership and Management and High Needs Provision. The college has received Outstanding rating for Personal Development.

The Ofsted report firstly comments on ‘what is it like to be a student at Horizons?’, and we are proud their findings fully support our ethos and values in that “Learners enjoy attending Horizons College, where they are supported well by staff to have a wide range of learning experiences. As a result, learners develop new knowledge, skills and behaviours that prepare them well for employment and greater independence in their communities”; they “demonstrate high levels of respect for staff and their peers” and they “recognise and celebrate their achievements”.

Please follow the link to view the full Ofsted report

Principal's Response to the Ofsted Report

Following an inspection in March 2024, the College has received a final report, which lists the College as Good for the Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Leadership and Management and High Needs Provision. The college has received Outstanding rating for Personal Development.

The Ofsted report firstly comments on ‘what is it like to be a student at Horizons?’, and we are proud their findings fully support our ethos and values in that “Learners enjoy attending Horizons College, where they are supported well by staff to have a wide range of learning experiences. As a result, learners develop new knowledge, skills and behaviours that prepare them well for employment and greater independence in their communities”; they “demonstrate high levels of respect for staff and their peers” and they “recognise and celebrate their achievements”:

The inspectors were impressed with our teachers’ and support staff. They said “Tutors and learning support assistants (LSAs) know their learners well. Inspectors commented on tutors’ expertise “who understand the key concepts of learning because they have completed training on pedagogy”. As a result they adapt the curriculum to learners’ interests to motivate and facilitate their work towards their EHC plan outcomes, saying “they are able to plan and provide ambitious learning activities that enable learners to acquire new knowledge, skills and behaviours” and that “ Specialist staff share their expertise through useful whole-college continuing professional development.

In a strong endorsement of the college’s approach and achievement the inspectors noted the “ambitious curriculum” and high expectations of leaders. They praised leaders for being “highly committed to improving learners’ experience at Horizons College’. They said “leaders have successfully created an adult college environment. This has supported the development of a new and ambitious curriculum, and subsequent positive impact on the learner experience, preparing learners well for progression to local work opportunities and builds learners’ confidence in accessing their communities.

They noted that Learners’ health and well-being are supported well by staff which is reflective of our values and ethos. The inspectors that multi-disciplinary teams work collaboratively to ensure learners’ programmes have integrated therapeutic input, use of assistive technologies equipment and behaviour interventions that impact positively on learners.

They were able to see how “learners benefit from substantial opportunities that college offers to develop their interests through a wide range of enrichment opportunities”. Reflecting on this, Ofsted noted that our “Learners benefit from well-being sessions at lunchtimes encourage learners to make use of quiet spaces, play games and interact with peers, run the radio station. Additionally, they take part in cooking competitions that are judged by industry experts and make art that is exhibited in local galleries. Visits to local shops, cafés and community venues develop learners’ confidence in pursuing their interests outside of college and prepare them well to access their communities. As a result, they learn to manage their emotions and improve their social skills.

Learners receive effective careers advice and guidance at the start of their programme and throughout their time at college. Work experience and citizenship activities are discussed on the weekly radio show that is broadcast on the internet. This motivates learners to engage fully with their individual learning programmes.

Leaders and other staff at Horizons were praised for the effectiveness of safeguarding at college, and it was noted that effective links with external agencies are used to provide support learners. As a result, our learners are safe, and feel safe.

The Governors were praised as “knowing Horizons really well”, “they meet regularly and frequently visit the college, taking part in learning walks and training” ably supporting Horizons leadership team and making a valuable contribution to shaping the college’s future.

We are incredibly proud to have been rated Good with Outstanding features. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the learners who have demonstrated a great attitude to learning and have helped to re-energise the community at Horizons. A special thank you goes to all the staff who have demonstrated outstanding resilience and determination to improve the college and be a winning team. All have shown resilience and worked relentlessly to support our learners academically and pastorally and help them to shape their future. Finally, thank you to all parents and carers: your support is invaluable and very much appreciated.

Genti Mullaliu
Principal of Horizons College