Online Learning

Horizons College Online Learning

Horizons College prides itself on knowing its learners and we ensure that we give all learners every chance of success in all aspects of the learner designed study programme and their individually set EHCP goals. During this ever-changing time and climate, the college has been on the front foot of ensuring that, whilst learners may sometimes have to remain at home, they all have the right to access their full education entitlement.

Horizons College has ensured that education reaches all learners by implementing an effective learner centred blended online learning curriculum when required. This offer has been developed and quality reviewed both internally and externally to ensure that the impact from the curriculum is right for our learners and allows them to focus on skills development, social impact, with overall learning and well-being when needed.

How the college uses online learning:

The college predominantly uses two main platforms for its learning and both can be utilised in a variety of ways to meet the needs of the individual learners. They are fully inclusive and easy to navigate around.

Microsoft Teams – This platform is used for the communication and engagement element. Lessons can be delivered as if face-to-face learning is taking place as learners can see a live feed from their members of staff, ask questions, interact with peers and seek help and guidance if required. This tool is extremely effective for staff to facilitate learning in a variety of ways and can be very bespoke to the individual learners needs and skills development. Sessions can be delivered in line with their existing timetable and designed curriculum and can be delivered individually, in small groups or in whole class groups, mirroring face to face contact sessions received within the classroom.

Please follow the link to view the Microsoft Teams User Guide

Google Classroom – This platform allows learners to take ownership of their work, submit, gain feedback with next steps and resubmit if applicable and comment on their own work with support from staff if required. This allows for staff to set themes and tasks based around the learner’s student-centred key themes such as Activities for Daily Living, Health and well-being, embedded Functional skills, Employability, Online Safety as well as their EHCP Termly targets to name a few. This platform allows the learners to evidence their completed work online with support from staff and build a portfolio of evidence showing the progress of learning and mastery of their skills development, focusing on sequential learning. Google classroom also allows the learners to have a space where they can communicate with their peers, interact and have a social space where they can be with their peers within an online setting, which aids and supports the learner’s overall well-being. This allows the learners to have a voice whilst potentially not in college to seek help, support, voice concerns and interact with staff and learners in a safe space where this can be monitored by the tutor.

Online Learning - How to Guides

How to Download and Use Google Classroom 

Horizons College Google Classroom Training 

How to upload students' work to Google Classroom

For any questions, concerns, support or training requirements please feel free to contact Steven Heary on: or telephone  Horizons College on 01793 481493