Stakeholder Views

We welcome and value the views of our stakeholders and regularly ask for feedback.

Each year we ask Parents, Carers and Learners for their views on the college. Results are analysed and areas for improvement are highlighted and actioned.

Please see below for some of the responses from our Parents, Carer and Learner questionnaires.

Learner Survey - September 2023

In response to the question, what do you like about Horizons College?

Meeting new people and developing my communication.
Seeing my friends and other staff.
Everything - socialising with different people.
I enjoy my lessons and my friends.
Go out a lot in the community.
I am treated like an adult, I am supported and listened too.
I feel safe, I like to learn.

In response to the question, what do you think about enrichment at Horizons College?

I like the clubs at break times.
I enjoy my enrichment.
I like to learn and explore new activities.

Parent and Carer End of Year Survey Comments - June 2023

My child feels safe, confident and enjoys Horizons. Thank you to all staff After attending an event at Horizons, very impressed with the young adults , cafe and all the staff.
My son is very happy at Horizons, the staff are lovely and he enjoys himself there and we feel very supported any issues are dealt with and I’m very grateful to everyone.
Horizons is a excellent college the staff are amazing and go above and beyond. I highly recommend the college.

Parent and Carer Online Safety and Prevent Training Comments - October 2023

Was a very informative and eye opening talk. So much information that was well delivered. I found it extremely interesting and helpful. Thank you.