The College Day

Horizons College opens at 9.10 and closes at 3.15 Monday to Friday. Each College day is 5 hours 5 minutes with 60-minute lunchtime. The total time the College is open per week is 30 hours 25 Minutes. 

A more detailed breakdown is shown below. Some lessons take place outside of the classroom such as Sports and Swimming at leisure facilities in the local area.

Learner Arrival and Registration
(Official Start of the College Day)
Tutorial and Session 1 9.25-10.05
Session 2 10.05-10.55
Break and Snack 10.55-11.10
Session 3 11.10-12.00
Lunch 12.00-13.00
Session 4 13.00-13.50
Session 5 14.05-14.55
Learners on Transport 15.00-15.15