Vocational Learning
Work Experience and developing practical work skills through work related learning and enterprise is an integral part of life at college. We have an outstanding collaboration with local employers and businesses. Our learners gain work experience as they engage with different vocational areas within the UET Charity but we also offer our learners opportunities with external employers. Depending on student ability and individual skills, learners access work experience and work related enterprises for a minimum of 1 day a week.
Learners have gained valuable employability skills and confidence through this element of the programme and some supported internships/apprenticeships may develop from these opportunities. We are delighted that one of our learners, who completed our pilot Supported Internship programme, successfully progressed to paid employment.
Opportunities are in a wide range of work experience placements: Swindon Restore, Retail Shops, Nursery, Uplands School, CEC, Nationwide, Rein and Shine and Arval.
Through vocational learning it is our aim that learners will:
- Develop an understanding of the world of work including skills such as time-keeping, working together, problem solving and working safely
- To develop work ready skills (some learners)
- To develop positive attitudes to the safety of themselves, others and equipment
- Experience vocational options in a range of settings
- To identify, and experience and follow specific pathways to employment, both paid and voluntary
- To enable learners to adjust and cope with change
- To provide opportunities to functionally apply Functional Skills
Subjects: Enterprise, Retail, Catering, Hospitality, Horticulture, Animal Care, General Maintenance, Work Experience