Work Experience
The aim of the Work Experience programme is to provide learners with practical experience of the workplace, focusing on the development of work-related skills, competencies, confidence and independence. Learners will be able to trial different roles, tasks and working environments before committing to them, thus providing insight into a variety of possible career paths. Whilst on placement, learners will be able to demonstrate their abilities and build relationships with employers, maximising their chance of success in their area of interest. This will allow them to progress towards their chosen destination (e.g. paid or voluntary employment).
How the Work Experience Programme at Horizons College works:
- Safe and meaningful work placements will be sourced to best match the individual learner’s abilities and interests
- Learners will attend weekly Work Experience placements in their chosen field
- Learners may also participate in workplace visits, work shadowing and enterprise activities
- Placements will be aspirational but realistic, drawing on Labour Market Information and Intelligence
- Targets will be set by both the college and the employer and regularly reviewed to measure learning, skill acquisition and progress
- The level of support given to each learner by Horizons College staff / Job Coaches will be dependent upon the individual needs and abilities of the learner, their planned outcome / destination and assessment of the workplace environment
The impact of Work Experience:
Learners will develop employability and soft skills that will help them become ‘work ready’ and greatly improve their future opportunities and outcomes. In addition to industry specific skills, they will learn increased Health & Safety awareness; teamwork; communication skills; following rules, routines and instructions; using initiative, developing resilience and taking responsibility. Learners will be able to make informed choices about their next steps based on practical experience. Some may secure employment (paid or voluntary) with the employers they have had work experience with. Not only will the learners gain considerably in terms of confidence and independence, they will also encourage employer engagement by breaking down barriers and tackling misconceptions. This will benefit and contribute to the entire community.
Are you able to offer work experience?
If you would like to offer a work experience opportunity to any of our young people, or if you would like to find out any more information about the work experience programme at Horizons College, please contact:
Careers Leader: Laura James
Tel. 01793 481493